Merchandise Release

New Sailor Moon Card Cases & Belts from Buckle-Down

We’ve heard a lot about the new Sailor Moon merchandise from Japan recently, so today we have some new items from USA! Here are 7 new Sailor Moon card cases and 2 new belts! They all feature the new style artwork and some beautiful group drawings. Neoqueen Serenity merchandise is scarce so I’m very pleased Buckle-Down decided to include her. The card cases are $19.95, the belts are $29.95. You can buy them all from BeltsDirect.

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"sailor moon" "sailor moon 2013" "sailor moon merchandise" neoqueen serenity card case business accessory sailor uranus neptune pluto saturn chibimoon japan anime

"sailor moon" "sailor moon merchandise" "sailor moon 2013" new anime accessories belt "tuxedo mask" sailor mercury mars jupiter venus bandai japan clothing

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